Friday, July 4, 2014

Summer is over... not really -_-

I decided to take social psych over the summer and it has been a pain in the ass. It was much more time intensive to take a 6 week class than a 16. I am a pretty smart guy so I should have figured this out before I enrolled but I was really surprised at how rough it would be. I finally quit my last contractor job and now I am fully invested in school and this path to becoming a psychotherapist. I was a pretty big step that makes me nervous but its done. Sometimes if you don't jump in with both feet you won't get anywhere.

Monday, May 19, 2014


So I decided to quit a relatively dead end job in Law Enforcement to follow a dream of becoming a psychologist or at the very least mental a health counselor. I have been a full time student for the last two years and am closing in on my undergraduate degree. The process is stressful as I am getting ready for graduate school applications but I am still optimistic I will get into a PhD program somewhere. I have always wanted to journal or keep some sort of rambling blog in an effort to chronicle the craziness I have embarked on. I hope that I can keep this up and look back as a way to remember that journey was as important as the destination. SO that is that so far. Oh and I forgot to mention I have a wife and two kids and now a new dog, so here is
to... something lets see where it goes.